by Kelli Bay | Apr 19, 2021 | Athletic Directors, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Softball
Athletic Directors and Softball Coaches: As we move closer to the Baseball playoffs, we have secured the facilities for the 2021 Softball Championships. In this pandemic year, our partners struggled to host our Final Four and we appreciate the opportunity...
by Kelli Bay | Mar 9, 2021 | Athletic Directors, Baseball, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Softball
Athletic Directors and Coaches: With the Spring Sport seasons beginning, please make sure scores are reported in both RankOne and Scorestream, within 24 hours of conclusion, as required by TAPPS. Standings on the website are pulled from RankOne, if standings are...
by Kelli Bay | Feb 9, 2021 | Athletic Directors, Baseball, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Softball, Winter Soccer
Athletic Directors and Coaches: With the changing weather across north Texas, please review the TAPPS weather policy shown below in regards to temperature. If the ambient or indexed temperature is anticipated or below 32 degrees prior to game time, the contests should...
by Kelli Bay | Jan 29, 2021 | ADMINISTRATION, Athletic Directors, Baseball, Basketball, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators, Softball, Winter Soccer
Athletic Directors and Coaches: As we continue toward district certification for winter sports and head into spring, we need your help more than ever as we proceed to the championships. The statewide metrics continue to demand our attention and caution. This is a...
by Kelli Bay | Jan 25, 2021 | Athletic Directors, Baseball, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Softball
Athletic Directors and Head Coaches, As we enter the month of January, the pandemic continues to be a strong presence across Texas. With the increase in case numbers, our member schools and coaches must continue to enforce rules that help prevent the spread of the...
by Kelli Bay | Jan 13, 2021 | Athletic Directors, Baseball, Basketball, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Softball, Winter Soccer
Athletic Directors and Coaches: The Winter and Spring Brackets are now posted on the TAPPS website. Thank you for your patience as we have worked through the many issues presented by the pandemic. TAPPS BRACKETS If questions arise, please contact the TAPPS office...