by Kelli Bay | Mar 1, 2023 | Athletic Directors, Baseball, Homepage Updates/Alerts
TAPPS Athletic Directors and Head Baseball Coaches: The spring sports season is beginning this semester. Coaches should be finalizing schedules and entering into the TAPPS data system. Coaches also need to prepare their process for reporting scores and pitch counts....
by Kelli Bay | Feb 1, 2023 | Athletic Directors, Baseball, Basketball, Homepage Updates/Alerts, School Administrators, Softball, Winter Soccer
Administrators and Athletic Directors: As we move into February, the final district games and playoffs are just around the corner for basketball and soccer. From the reports received in our office, January brought out the worst in our fan base across Texas. Fans have...
by Kelli Bay | Jan 31, 2023 | Athletic Directors, Baseball, Basketball, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Softball, Winter Soccer
Athletic Directors: With the weather potential in North Texas, travel and games may be impacted. Please take a minute to review the TAPPS weather policies as outlined in Section 138 of the TAPPS By-Laws. Section 138.V Temperature In the event the outside temperature...
by Kelli Bay | Jan 30, 2023 | Athletic Directors, Baseball, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Softball
Athletic Directors and Coaches: The 2023 Seasons begin today. The seasons are full of promise and the games await our teams. We need your help now and throughout the season. Please make sure your entire SCHEDULES are entered into Rank One and turned to PUBLIC. ...
by Kelli Bay | Jan 10, 2023 | 6 Man Football, Athletic Directors, Baseball, Basketball, Cross Country, Fall Soccer, Field Hockey, Football, Golf, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Lacrosse, Softball, Swim, Tennis, Track and Field, Volleyball, Winter Soccer, Wrestling
TAPPS and NCSA Next College Student Athlete have teamed up to host an exclusive online recruiting class for college-bound athletes interested in competing at the college level. Join NCSA’s Jabari Moore (Director of Regional Recruiting), as he covers what every family...
by Kelli Bay | Jan 4, 2023 | Athletic Directors, Baseball, Homepage Updates/Alerts, Softball
Athletic Directors , Baseball and Softball Coaches: The TAPPS staff continues to work through the schedule for all team sports and the championship venues for each. We look forward to hosting the championships for baseball and softball in one location again in the...